We have to keep the Record

In memorial to the evil perpetrated by mankind! The data you provide here will help in tracking the crisis and providing statistics of events and those affected by the crisis. Register here also all Orphans.

Current Crisis in Africa: Cameroon, Sudan, Niger, Mali, Nigeria, CAR ...

Cameroon Anglophone Crisis

War is the worst thing that can happen to humankind. But it keeps repeating because of greed. The crisis in Cameroon is another horror.
Thousands have been killed, Hundreds of Thousands displaced, No school operating in the Anglophone Regions for 3 years, Hospitals, schools, markets, properties, etc burnt down. Let's memorize the fallens by keeping statistics here.

Persons Killed   Persons Missing   Persons Displaced   Properties Destroyed

Provide us with information

Provide us with data on the killings, the missing and displaced persons. Your effort in providing this information will help take humanitarian crisis in Africa to the next level. Do all you can to provide information on this disaster.

We have a duty

The assistance you provide here by detailing any event happening and putting this in the database may be your only legacy. Don't hesitate, don't procrastinate. The world will get this data. The world will use this data to assess this crisis. With this you may help thousands of lives. Every single information counts. It's our duty!